
Buy Maltofer Online


Maltofer is an oral iron supplement used to treat iron deficiency in adolescents and adults. Many people do not consume enough iron from their diets, and Maltofer is clinically proven to boost iron levels. Maltofer has fewer gastrointestinal adverse effects and is less likely to cause constipation than other ferrous iron supplements. This results in reduced constipation and nausea, and a more effective iron intake. Iron polymaltose is the active ingredient in Maltofer which ensures your body only absorbs the appropriate amount of iron at the right time.

Maltofer can be consumed with meals and is safe to use during pregnancy. They’re available as Iron Tablets and Iron Syrups. In our selection we have Maltofer Iron 100mg Tab and Maltofer Iron Syrup 150ml. Buy Maltofer online here at Chemist Direct and start boosting your iron levels!


Shop with Chemist Direct and buy Maltofer online from Australia.