
Buy Optrex Online


Optrex is a renowned eye care company with a comprehensive line of efficient solutions that treat and prevent a wide range of eye conditions. Their eye care solutions rehydrate dry or fatigued eyes and helps in the relief of itchy, allergic, irritated, and infected eyes. They are also used to soothe and treat seasonal and chronic allergic conjunctivitis. Sodium cromoglicate, witch hazel, and naphazoline hydrochloride are some of the active components of Optrex. Sodium cromoglicate is an anti-allergic medication used to treat allergic conjunctivitis.

Witch hazel is a natural moisturising agent that is used to reduce puffiness and rejuvenate tired eyes. Naphazoline is used to treat mild eye irritations. Optrex's range includes eye spray, eye drops, and eye wash. In our selection you’ll find Optrex ActiMist Eye Spray For Dry Eyes, Optrex Eye Wash, and Optrex Refreshing Eye Drops. Buy Optrex online here at Chemist Direct.


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